In a recent post I talked about how you can use Pulse Width Modulation to create a simple voltage controller. However PWM is only half the story. Once we have our PWM signal how do we transform this from a malformed square wave into a nice steady DC voltage? There are many different techniques that can be used to do this but today I’d like to introduce you to one of the simplest, Low Pass Filters.
Low Pass Filters

I briefly introduced RC low pass filters in my post on Square Waves in RC Circuits. Put simply these are circuits which allow low frequency signals to pass through while attenuating high frequency signals. The reason for this has to do with the capacitors charging. If you recall from my previous post the time a capacitor takes to charge in an RC circuit is approximately equal to 5 times the time constant of the circuit (RC). When the frequency is low enough that the capacitor has the chance to fully charge and discharge each cycle the signal will pass through. If however the capacitor cannot fully charge/discharge a certain amount of the current will always be passing through the capacitor to ground which attenuates the signal at the output. The higher the frequency the greater the attenuation.
The key understanding here is what happens to the signal when it is being attenuated. You might expect if you pass a 5V square wave (0-5V) through a filter which reduces the amplitude by 50% that the resulting 2.5V signal would be from 0-2.5V. However, this is not the case. Since the capacitor cannot fully charge or discharge the signal will stabilize at the average voltage of the incoming signal. In the case of this example the signal would travel between 1.25V and 3.75V. As we attenuate it further we can get a smaller and smaller peak to peak voltage (always centered around the average voltage). The smaller these peaks, the closer you get to your target DC voltage.
Ripple Vs Stabilization Time
So that all sounds great but how do we know what capacitance and resistance to use? This actually gets a bit more complicated. When choosing our resistors and capacitors we often find ourselves balancing two undesirable characteristics of the circuit.

Consider this first filter. Obviously this is a long way from a smooth DC voltage. There is a distinct ripple in the output with the voltage moving up and down in a sharp triangle pattern. As discussed earlier we should be able to reduce this ripple by increasing the time the capacitor takes to charge (increasing the resistance or capacitance) to further attenuate the signal. This will however unfortunately introduce a new problem.

Here we can see that by increasing the attenuation of the signal we are able to produce a much smoother output signal. The issue here is on the left side of the simulation output. Since the capacitor is only charging and discharging a small amount the signal takes significantly longer to stabilize at the average voltage.
Where on this spectrum your filter falls depends largely on your application. If you need a very stable signal which will not vary over time you can use a large capacitor and/or resistance. If on the other hand your signal strength needs to change quickly over time and your circuit can handle a bit more ripple you may opt for a smaller capacitor to support this behavior.
As you might imagine there are additions we can make to this circuit to improve both of these behaviors. By adding additional complexity to this filter we can develop a more robust digital to analog converter. I hope though that this has provided something of a starting point to begin generating analog signals from your digital devices.